The celestial movements of earth, sun, and moon govern the lunar or synodic month, with the familiar shifting moon phases.
Synodic sconce is a representation of the lunar phases and an expression of this beguiling celestial dance. Twenty eight blown glass globes are arranged in a vertical arcing pathway over Black Galaxy Granite. The mica scales within the granite glitter like the night sky. The glass globes, internally illuminated with LED bulbs, are hand painted black to evoke the gradual waxing and waning of the moon cycle. Mirror polished stainless steel borders the sconce
Resonant with cosmic mystery, Synodic Sconce is familiar and enchanting, an illuminated sculptural light source and object of contemplation.
Hand blown glass bulbs, granite, mirror polished stainless steel, LED bulbs.
68” tall x 6” wide x 2” deep.